Meny Toppmeny


37 år Rogaland
Medlem siden: 05.09.2009

Jobb / Skole:
trening, lese, skrive, rolig musikk-fleecepledd-varm te-stearinlys, musikk, dyr, medmenneskelighet, stillhet, hvile, vann, sol og varme, fantasere, drømme, spa, blogge
Favoritt tv-serier:
Greys Anatomy
INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Only one percent of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types. creative, smart, focus on fantasy more than reality, attracted to sad things, fears doing the wrong thing, observer, avoidant... ...desire to contribute to the welfare of others and genuinely enjoy helping their companions. Although Counsleors tend to be private, sensitive people, and are not generally visible leaders, they nevertheless work quite intensely with those close to them, quietly exerting their influence behind the scenes... INFJs tend to be devoted to what they believe in and seek work where their needs, values, and ideals can be deeply engaged. They move on the wave of their inspirations and are determined to see that their values are worked out in their lives. They will work toward their goals individually and, when needed, will put together a team of other highly dedicated people like themselves.

fordi det er gøy! fordi det gir energi, glede, god helse, strammer opp kroppen og reduserer vekten/holder ønsket vekt stabil, og fordi det er sosialt
Jeg har trent:
spinning, core-styrke/core ball, aerobic, pt-timer, egentrening styrke, yoga, stram-opp, gå tur
Jeg trener:
spinning og pt-timer
Kortsiktig mål:
motivere meg selv til å prioritere trening og kosthold i hverdagen
Langsiktig mål:
gå ned i vekt, finne en god treningsrytme og et sunt kosthold
1 venner - Din kostholds- og treningsdagbok